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What Is Cybersecurity, Its Types, and Cyber Threats

Codemithra Team

Codemithra Team


Cybersecurity employs technology, procedures, and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices, and data from attacks. Its objectives are to lower the dangers of cyberattacks and safeguard against unauthorized use of technology, networks, and systems. Multiple layers of security are dispersed across the networks, computers, programs, or information that one wants to keep secure in an effective cyber security strategy. For a business to successfully defend itself against cyberattacks, the processes, people, and technology must work harmoniously. By automating interconnections across a few Cisco Security products, a unified threat management system may speed up crucial cyber security operations tasks like investigation, detection, and remediation.

Why Is Cyber Security Essential?

Cybersecurity is a field that deals with ways to protect systems and services from malicious online factors, including hackers, spammers, and cybercriminals. While specific cybersecurity components are built to launch an attack right away, most experts are concerned with figuring out how to safeguard all resources, from computers and cell phones to databases and networks, against attacks. Now that we have understood what cyber security is, let us get into why cyber security is important.

Globally, a data breach will cost an average of USD 3.86 million in 2020, whereas it will cost an average of $8.64 million in the United States. These charges include the costs of finding and addressing the breach, lost revenue and downtime, and the protracted reputational harm to a company and its brand. Customers’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII), such as names, national identification numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers, is the target of cybercriminals, who then sell these records in unregulated online black markets. Customer distrust is frequently lost due to compromised PII, which can result in regulatory penalties and legal action.

Cybersecurity is crucial since it guards against the theft and destruction of many types of data. This covers delicate information, protected health information, personally identifiable information, data about intellectual property, personal data, and information systems used by the government and business. Your company cannot protect itself from data breach operations without a cybersecurity program, making it an unavoidable target for cybercriminals. Thus the importance of cybersecurity is rising with the increase in cybersecurity threats.

Types of Cyber Security Threats

Cybersecurity threats are actions by someone with malicious intent to steal data, harm computing systems, or disrupt them. The costliest and most rapidly expanding type of cybercrime is information theft, caused mainly by developing identity information vulnerabilities on the web through cloud services. Cyber threats can come from various sources, including adversarial nations and terrorist organizations, lone hackers, and legitimate users who use their rights for evil purposes. Let’s look at some of the common cyber security threats. 

  • Malware: Malicious software variations, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and spyware that grant illegal access or harm a computer, are called “malware.”
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a virus that encrypts files, data, or systems and demands a ransom payment from the cybercriminals who attacked the system to unlock it. If the ransom is not paid, the data may be erased, destroyed, or made public.
  • Phishing: User-sensitive information, or PII, is obtained through social engineering techniques like phishing.
  • Insider threats: If they misuse their access privileges, former or current employees, contractors, business partners, or anybody else who has previously accessed systems or networks can be considered an insider threat. Traditional security measures that concentrate on external threats, such as intrusion detection systems and firewalls, may not be able to detect insider threats.
  • Attacks by “Man-in-the-Middle”: An eavesdropping technique known as “man-in-the-middle” involves a cybercriminal intercepting and relaying information between two parties to extract passwords and other sensitive information.

Challenges Faced by Cyber Security Threats

Hackers, privacy concerns, data loss, risk management, and evolving cybersecurity tactics all present ongoing cybersecurity threats. In the foreseeable future, it is not anticipated that the number of cyberattacks will decline. The advent of the Internet of Things has also added attack access points, necessitating a more significant network and device security requirement.

The fact that security dangers are constantly changing is one of the most challenging aspects of cybersecurity. New attack vectors are created due to the emergence of new technologies and their use in novel or unconventional ways. It might be challenging to keep up with these constant changes and advancements in attacks and to update procedures to defend against them. Concerns include ensuring that all cybersecurity components are regularly updated to guard against vulnerabilities.

The Legal Requirements for Cyber Security

The numerous cybersecurity needs of each given firm are governed by various laws and regulations, both directly and indirectly. Businesses can prevent expensive lawsuits, a deterioration in the public’s faith and reputation, and unneeded downtime by understanding how these rules and regulations affect the need for security. Legal compliance, however, is rarely sufficient to make a company genuinely secure. To put themselves in a position to establish better protection, businesses will need to do considerably more. Because adherence to these laws is a crucial component of any cybersecurity strategy, these rules and regulations might be a helpful place to start when determining a company’s cybersecurity goals.

All businesses, big and small, public and private, must comply with privacy laws and cybersecurity regulations. As they are less likely to have the money and time to invest in cybersecurity, small businesses may be an easier target for cybercriminals. Sadly, small firms have a lower chance of withstanding a large hack and its legal and financial repercussions. Due to strict privacy regulations from numerous government agencies and industry groups, businesses in the healthcare industry and other sectors that collect sensitive data are obligated to make adequate cybersecurity investments. Public corporations are pressured to spend on cybersecurity to stop unauthorized security breaches resulting in illicit stock market activity.

Who Is a Cyber Security Expert? 

Companies increasingly depend on cyber security experts to spot possible dangers and safeguard sensitive data as hacking, data breaches, and cybercrime reach new heights. The prediction that the global market for cyber security will increase from $152 billion to $248 billion from 2018 to 2023 makes sense. It is critical to comprehend who cyber security experts are and what role they play in cybersecurity.

A person with authority in the field of information cybersecurity threats is a “cyber security specialist” or “cyber security expert.” They are responsible for safeguarding the software development process. They do their best to protect networks from outside threats like crackers and hackers that desire access for nefarious motives. Protecting a company’s entire IT system is the responsibility of cybersecurity specialists. They build tactics and defensive systems to defend against attacks and threats and look for hardware, software, data, and network center weaknesses. Cybersecurity experts are in high demand with a projected steady increase in demand and competitive remuneration. As technology develops and new security issues emerge, this profession will continue to change. 

The CIA Triad in Cyber Security

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are the three guiding principles for any organization’s security. Since the introduction of the first mainframes, this is known as the CIA triad and has been the industry norm for computer security. 

  • Confidentiality: The efforts made by an organization to keep data private or hidden are referred to as “confidentiality.” To do this, access to data must be restricted to avoid the purposeful or unintentional sharing of data with unauthorized parties.
  • Integrity: Integrity requires ensuring that your data is reliable and unaltered. Only if the data is dependable, accurate, and legitimate will the integrity of your information be preserved. You can employ encryption, hashing, digital signatures, or digital certificates to safeguard the integrity of your data. You can use reputable certificate authorities for websites so that users can be assured they are accessing the website they intended to see.
  • Availability: Even if data is stored privately and its integrity is upheld, it is frequently accessible to those within the business and the clients they serve. This requires all networks, systems, and applications to operate adequately and appropriately.


The demand for cybersecurity experts is at an all-time high, and the field has emerged as a significant area of growth during the last decade. This has been primarily fueled by the rise in cybercrime, with reports indicating that the number of offences doubled in the previous year. Many people are considering pursuing careers in cybersecurity to address the problem. But, they are unsure where to begin. There are various courses available online that help you kick-start your career in cyber security. Click here to sign up for Ethnus Codemithra’s online cybersecurity courses.



1) What are the five categories of cybersecurity?
     Cybersecurity can be categorized into five types: critical network security, application security, cloud security, internet of things security, and infrastructure security.

2) Is a job in cybersecurity desirable?
Because there is a strong need for experts with these talents, cybersecurity is a fantastic career to pursue right now.

3) Does math play a large part in cyber security?
      The field of cybersecurity is quickly growing, and math is a considerable part of the field.

4) What does an expert in cyber security do?
      Cybersecurity professionals use their knowledge of technology and training to protect sensitive information held by a company from threats both inside and outside its walls, such as cybercrime and unauthorized usage.

5) What is cybersecurity?
     Cybersecurity is the defence against cyber threats to systems connected to the internet, including their hardware, data, and software. 

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    Information about our customers is an important part of our business and we are not in the business of selling our customers’ personal information to others. We share personal information only as described below and with Ethnus Consultancy Services Private Limited, . and its affiliates that are either subject to this Privacy Notice or follow practices at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Notice.

    Transactions Involving Third Parties: We make available to you services, software, training, and content provided by third parties for use on or through Ethnus Offerings. You can tell when a third party is involved in your transactions, and we share information related to those transactions with that third party. For example, you can order services, software, and content from sellers using the Authorized Training Partner’s marketplace and we provide those sellers information to facilitate your subscription, purchases, or support.

    Other than as set out above, you will receive notice when personal information about you might be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.

    How We Secure Information

            a) We protect the security of your information during transmission to or from websites, applications, products, or services by using encryption protocols and software.

            b) We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage, and disclosure of personal information.

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    Ethnus Offerings may include third-party advertising and links to other websites and applications. Third party advertising partners may collect information about you when you interact with their content, advertising, or services. For more information about third-party advertising, including interest-based ads, please read our Interest-Based Ads notice.

    Access and Choice

    You have choices about the collection and use of your personal information. Many Ethnus Offerings include settings that provide you with options as to how your information is being used. You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to take advantage of certain Ethnus Offerings.

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    We don’t provide Ethnus Offerings for purchase by children. If you’re under 18, you may use Ethnus Offerings only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

    Retention of Personal Information

    We keep your personal information to enable your continued use of Ethnus Offerings, for as long as it is required in order to fulfill the relevant purposes described in this Privacy Notice, as may be required by law (including for tax and accounting purposes), or as otherwise communicated to you. How long we retain specific personal information varies depending on the purpose for its use, and we may delete your personal information in accordance with applicable law.

    Contacts, Notices, and Revisions

    If you have any concern about privacy at Ethnus, you may also contact us at the addresses below:

    Ethnus Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd,

    SST Chambers, No.151/17/1 Second Floor, 36th Cross Rd, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560041

    Or, email us at [email protected]

    Or call us at: +91 – 8929 334 324

    You will find the updated contact information on our website:

    If you interact with Ethnus Offerings on behalf of or through your organization, then your personal information may also be subject to your organization’s privacy practices, and you should direct privacy inquiries to your organization.

    Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Notice may also change. You should check our website frequently to see recent changes. You can see the date on which the latest version of this Privacy Notice was posted. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Notice applies to all personal information we have about you and your account. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of personal information collected in the past without informing affected customers and giving them a choice.

    Terms & Conditions

    This Privacy and Security Policy is provided for the benefit of customers and clients of Ethnus Consultancy Services Private Limited. (“Ethnus”) as well as other consumers and parties who use Ethnus and/or its website(s), particularly (“Website”, “”, “Codemithra” or “Ethnus Codemithra”), and/or applications (“Apps”) (collectively, “Ethnus Services” or “Ethnus Platform”).

    Since Ethnus serves several different audiences, customers find it helpful to read the Terms of Use that apply specifically to them based upon the purpose for which they use Ethnus. For this reason, we link to three separate agreements below for employer customers, job seeker customers, and staffing customers, respectively.

    For your convenience, we define each of these audiences that Ethnus serves as follows:

    “Employer Customer” means an entity using Ethnus Services that is seeking to hire an individual as an employee and/or independent contractor to be employed by it directly.

    “Job Seeker Customer” means an individual using Ethnus Services who is seeking to be employed as an employee or independent contractor by an employer.

    “Staffing Customer” means a staffing company using Ethnus Services that provides staffing services to their own Staffing Clients.

    So long as your use of the Ethnus website and services remains within the scope of the particular audience or customer for which you began using Ethnus (e.g. a job seeker does not use Ethnus as an employer, or an employer does not use Ethnus as a job seeker), the complete Terms of Use applicable to your use of the Ethnus website and services is contained within the applicable Terms of Use linked below.

    Employer Terms of Use

    The following Terms of Use apply to any Ethnus Employer Customer seeking to hire employees or independent contractors for its own business. If you seek to find employees or independent contractors for the benefit of your clients (and not yourself), you need to review the Terms of Use specifically for our Ethnus Staffing Customers accessible at

    Ethnus, Inc. (“Ethnus”) provides online services through which employers and staffing companies seeking employees and independent contractors can efficiently and effectively review and interview candidates. Ethnus provides these services and its suite of features and products through its Apps and Website (collectively, “Ethnus Services”) subject to these terms of use (“Terms of Use”) and the agreements incorporated herein.

    Your privacy is very important to us. We designed our accompanying Privacy and Security Policy to provide important disclosures about how your information will be used by Ethnus in providing you Ethnus Services. These Terms of Use expressly incorporate our Privacy and Security Policy.

    Please read these Terms of Use and our Privacy and Security Policy carefully before using any of the diverse Ethnus Services. By visiting the Website, installing any of the Apps, and/or using any of the Ethnus Services, you shall have affirmed your agreement to these Terms of Use.

    1. Definitions

    2. Modifications – Will Ethnus ever modify these Terms of Use?

    3. Ethnus Services – What are the Ethnus Services?

    4. Video Content and Services – How and when do you record videos?

    5. Pricing, Payments, and Billing – How and when will I be billed for Ethnus Services?

    6. Objectionable Content – What if I find content to be objectionable?

    7. Customer Conduct

    8. Intellectual Property

    9. DMCA Policy

    10. Reserved for Future Use

    11. Resale of Services

    12. Indemnification

    13. Disclaimer of Warranties

    14. Third Party Links and Products

    15. Limitations of Liability

    16. Exclusions and Limitations

    17. General Terms

    1. Definitions

    “Consumer” means any individual or entity that uses any of the Ethnus Services. Where applicable, the term “Consumer” shall encompass all Ethnus Customers.

    “Content” means all material, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, available on or through any of the Ethnus Services.

    “Customer” means, for purposes of this Terms of Use, You, a Job Seeker Customer.

    “Customer Content” means any Content uploaded to and/or created through the Ethnus Services by a Ethnus Customer.

    “Employer Customer” means an entity using Ethnus Services that is seeking to hire an individual as an employee and/or independent contractor to be employed by it directly.

    “GDPR” means the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

    “Job Seeker Customer” means an individual using Ethnus Services who is seeking to be employed as an employee or independent contractor by an employer.

    “Profile Video” means a promotional video created by a Job Seeker Customer to promote themselves as a candidate employee and/or independent contractor. It is not an interview. The Job Seeker Customer completes this independently and on their own.

    “Software” means any necessary software used in connection with the Ethnus Services.

    “Ethnus Account” means an account associated with a Ethnus Customer who uses or has used Ethnus Services.

    “Ethnus Content” means any Content excluding Customer Content and Video Content in which Ethnus does not participate.

    “Ethnus Customer” means any person who uses or has used Ethnus Services including, but not limited to, Employer Customers, Job Seeker Customers, and Staffing Customers.

    “Ethnus Services” means the suite of features, products and services offered through Ethnus, its Apps, its App Services, the Website, and the Website Services.

    “Ethnus Trademarks” means any trademarks, tradenames, logos, and other commercial designs of Ethnus or licensed to Ethnus, whether or not formal registration exists including, but not limited to, “Ethnus.”

    “Staffing Clients” means third-party employer clients of Staffing Customers.

    “Staffing Customer” means a staffing company using Ethnus Services that provides staffing services to their own Staffing Clients.

    “Strategic Partners” means those trusted partners that Ethnus employs, engages, or retains to perform functions and/or provide services on its behalf.

    “Sub Accounts” means subsidiary accounts created for or by an Employer Customer or Staffing Customer (“such as a consultant group or employer”) under its primary account.

    “Username” means the valid email address provided by each Ethnus Customer to be used as their username or login identification.

    “Video Content” means any video content created by or associated with any Ethnus Customer accessible on and through Ethnus Services including, but not limited to, Profile Videos, Video Questions, Video Interviews, and Welcome Videos.

    “Video Interview” means an interview completed through Ethnus Services using a video or “web” camera that an Employer Customer or Staffing Customer requests a Job Seeker Customer complete. A Video Interview may involve a Job Seeker Customer alone or with other participants from an Employer Customer or Staffing Customer. A Video Interview may be pre-recorded by a Job Seeker in response to questions or occur live at which time it would be recorded.

    “Video Question” means a question recorded in video and audio that can be sent to potential employee and independent contractor candidates by an Employer Customer or Staffing Customer.

    “Website” means all of the content, information and services (in any format whatsoever) accessible through the World Wide Web at the domain name

    “Website Services” means the services provided by Ethnus through the website at the domain name,, and any of our other websites that may be used from time to time